Fire Department
The City of Carencro is served by a dedicated team of firefighters working out of two stations. The main station is located at 5201 North University Avenue, and houses administrative staff, two engines one rescue unit and one brush truck. The 24-hour staff operate from the annex station at 400 Hector Connoly Road, which houses two engines, one tanker, one service unit, one high-water rescue unit and a marine unit.
The full-time paid members of the fire department are part of a classified civil service system..

Fire Chief – [email protected]
A copy of the Carencro Fire and Police Civil Service Board Rules is on file at the Carencro Police Station and the Carencro Fire Station #31. These rules can also be found on the website of the Office of State Examiner, Municipal Fire & Police Civil Service. Civil Service board meeting information is available here.