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Country Christmas Vendor Application

Vendor and entertainment applications are being accepted for the annual Carencro Country Christmas, Dec. 4, 2021, sponsored by Carencro Business Association. The event is from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Community Center, 5115 N. University Avenue, and features arts &...

Digital Utility Payments

We’ve implemented a new, advanced system to make paying your utility bill easier than ever. In addition to in-person payments at City Hall, you can make payments online, or use our payment kiosk, located outside City Hall near the drop-off...

Glow in the Cro Balloon Festival – Cancellation

After several discussions with multiple City of Carencro Departments and other interested parties we have come to the realization that our 2021 Glow in the Cro Balloon Festival is in jeopardy of becoming an unsafe event for us to hold. If we cannot be assured of...

Hurricane Preparation

A tropical storm or hurricane can cause severe damage and physical harm. To minimize your risk, prepare ahead of time by organizing your action plan in the event of a storm. Access helpful information and resources at the Get a Game Plan website. You’ll find...